Tarot Spread: Illuminated Shadow

This spread is called “Illuminated Shadow”. It is used to assist us with shadow work by showing what we know about ourselves and our internal experience, what we don’t know or understand, and how to integrate all. Shadow work is essentially done in the interest of wholeness. It is in this shape to remind the querent of the axiom “As Above, So Below. As Within, So Without

The general card positions are as follows…

LEFT SIDE (3-5-7) Unconscious Shadow

This side of the spread (cards 3, 5, and 7) represents automatic behaviors, internalized ideals, and defense mechanisms the querent is likely unaware of acting out or projecting onto others.

RIGHT SIDE (4-6-8) = Conscious Shadow

Cards 4, 6, and 8 are the traits the querent is aware. This includes both positive and harmful attributes or any trauma the querent is aware of being affected by.

7 – 8 Positive Manifestations of Shadow

5 – 6 Negative Manifestations of Shadow

4. Your Conscious Self This card signifies the way you are aware of presenting yourself to others. Behaviors one consciously engages in order to progress in life. This is who you most identify with when looking in the mirror.

3. Your Shadow as an Unconscious Identity This is the self you act out when emotionally unstable or threatened in anyway. This is the you that others see that you do not acknowledge. This can also manifest as what you most often project onto other people, usually those close to you or in situations that are mentally/emotionally triggering.

2. The Potential Self If one becomes aware of their mal-adaptive behaviors and hidden talents/attributes and consciously integrates them with the conscious self, this is the best possible manifestation of the self as whole.

1. Advice This is what you need to focus on or do to heal and unify the shadow with the conscious self. Whatever card shows up here is path to self-actualization and also action most immediate that will facilitate healing. The bottom of the deck may offer more clarification on this card.


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