Tarot Spread: Tarot Tableau

Why So Many Cards?

When I first began reading tarot, I was 13 & it was in secret (more on that later). I had a book with about 10 key words for each card and space to draw my own conclusions based on the colors, imagery, & symbolism. I wrote quite a bit at first and even though I was only reading for myself for years, I recognized over time just how deeply my readings resonated and that some of them had more to do with those around me than any situation I was dealing directly with. Before I had the inspiration and confidence to create my own tarot spread, I was often frustrated at the sheer multitude of possibilities indicated by each card once I was living independently and reading tarot and occult books out in the open…
Cue the endless clarifiers and follow-up questions.

Now, I clarify a lot less and use less cards in general in my readings for myself, but I find that I often want a breadth of information to work with when I read for a longer period of time. Too, having the “additional info” built into a spread helped me to grow more secure in the messages I was receiving when I starting reading for others (& therefore less need/urge to clarify). I think this spread is a good starting place for those who are familiar with card meanings but still learning to trust their interpretations. Any experienced tarot reader will tell you, though, asking the right question(s) clears up a ton of confusion.

The Tarot Card Layout

Tarot spread laid in 5x5 grid. Cards represented by colored squares. Each square symbolizes a different aspect of a situation. This spread was created by Kori Woo for Astreaux & Woo.

The Tarot Spread Breakdown

Ideal V. Actual

A significator is optional for this spread, but if you have a specific situation, goal, or desired outcome in mind, choosing a card will help to focus your attention and therefore strengthen your intention for the reading. Card 1, then represents the “Current Situation” in a general reading but also denotes where the querent (person receiving the reading) is on their trajectory toward their goal.

The ideal cards represent what one might expect to experience if a situation played out perfectly and the circumstances surrounding such an event. The actual environment clarifies Card 1 in that these cards reflect where the current situation does take place.

The Past

The “Outgoing Conflict” points at problems that have already been resolved and any lingering emotions or consequences of the conflict itself. The “Past Situation” is where the conflict was born and between the 2 we have the action taken by the querent to resolve the issue. Beneath it, we find the parts of our shadow that were both activated and integrated by facing the past. Surrounding the current situation are clarifying cards that provide details the querent will want to consider when aligning the advice cards to their situation.


On the positive side, we have new connections, skills or resources, news (Incoming Info) and support that’s just reaching its peak in the current moment. We benefit from the “Known” and “Unknown” if we consider both when making decisions and acting on advice. (Be aware of what you know, blind spots and the info you still need.) Our ability to head the advice cards isn’t the only thing that determines success. Manifesting our will requires we accept the current situation, consistently apply what we learned yesterday and align our energy and communications with our ideal environment.


Negatively, we have any issues with the querent’s approach or attitudes that hinder success “Problem Action” , external time wasters in the form of people, places, things and information “Distractions”, waning support or resources, and any externals that actively oppose the querent or conflict with their goal “Negative Influences”. We also find a hint at how we may be opposed in the near future so that we can prepare to adjust and/or self protect with “Incoming Triggers”.

We can compare the outcome cards to the ideal and determine how we might adjust our attitude and actions if they don’t seem to resonate with one another. That means applying the advice in ways that bring our intended outcome and our current trajectory into balance.
General, indeed, right? ????‍♀️

I use this spread for the General Monthly Readings. Timestamped videos for all zodiac signs to accompany it are available on my YouTube Channel. I’d love to hear from those of you who choose to use the spread for yourselves. Leave me a comment! 🙂

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