Capricorn Season Tarot Tableau

Previous Seasons
Past Situation: Queen of Wands
Outgoing Conflict: 10 of Wands
Outgoing Support: The Fool
Past Actions: 2 of Wands
Integrated Shadow: 7 of Coins
Welcome to Capricorn Season, babes!! ? We move out of Sagittarius‘s mutable fire into the ease of commitment and a steadier pace. As a result, our responsibilities take less toll on us while producing higher yield. Collectively, the lesson of the “Tortoise and the Hare” has been learned. Consistency is a prerequisite to true progress. As long as we maintain our confidence and inner balance, of course. As all things should be? Many this season could say so, it seems.
The cards representing the past suggest that many have been compelled by overwhelm. A clear desire and decisive action brought the collective face-to-face with a few unknowns around us, teaching us much about ourselves. Willingness to take responsibility for what we’ve created thus far helped to close out those cycles no longer supporting our evolving self. Are you feeling brand new? Me too. ? This winter, we all know the power of small steps, sustained. Let’s keep going…
During Capricorn Season
Ideal Situation: 8 of Cups
Ideal Environment: The Star XVII & Queen of Cups
Indeed, the “Ideal” spread suggests we seek to create distance. Whether emotional or physical, many will seek space between the self and that which attracts but does not feed us. The result, of course, is moving closer to joy, compassion & connection. Ideal, indeed. Our sights are set on horizons that fill us with hope.
Actual: 4 of Coins & High Priestess II
Environment: 4 of Swords & Justice XI
Support: 6 of Cups
Known: 7 of Swords Unknown: The Magician I
Presently, mum is the muhfuckin’ word for the collective, and we’ll be seeing the same around us as Capricorn Season continues. We find truth, understanding, and even vindication if we allowourselves to be still. The past is over, but the lessons, with an open mind, can keep expanding before us. Practice silence & keen observation. Some knowledge is meant to live inside us. So, do allow the body and mind time for rest. Peace is productive too.
While it appears there may be secrecy or hidden motives at work around us, most will find the respite we need. In moments of review, there will also be encouragement. The 6 of Cups is always about the past or what our minds have made of it. Looks like we’ve been here before. This time, though, we know what works for us is us. Keep it moving. ♻️
The Issues
Distractions: Ace of Coins
Problem Behavior: The Chariot
Negative Influence: The Hanged Man XII
Money gets funny when you’re in a rush to nowhere in particular. There’s plenty opportunity to create new sources of material growth. It’ll require clear focus and discipline, though. Therefore, be patient with self and with processes. Getting done fast is less important to the G.O.A.T. ? than getting it right.
What Happens Next Season
Incoming Info: 3 of Cups
Incoming Trigger: Knight of Swords
Incoming Support: 4 of Wands
Eventually, progress leads to pleasure. Inevitably we’ll find ourselves surrounded by like minds. Ready to step out of the reverie implied by this month’s spread, invitation and celebrations will abound. However, some conversations may end in blood shed. ? The triggers this month come in the form of our thoughts and words. Too, it looks like many may be on the receiving end of harsh truths, sudden arguments, even insults.
While we can’t control what others may think or say, we do best to maintain our dignity and clear mind regardless. We’ll find solace in our own secure foundations. If open combat ain’t for you, seek out the feeling of home. In fact, an investment in your living space won’t hurt. Remember also to be grateful for stability when it manifests.
Advice: 10 of Coins & Knight of Cups
Outcome: Ace of Wands & 7 of Wands
As we close out the cycle, the guidance from “The Raven’s Tarot” is receptivity. Both the Coins and the Cups are receptive in nature, their energies and efforts always geared toward what is within. In this case, the cards speak of maintaining hope and compassion. Committing to community engagement. Defining and refining family. We’ll find our hearts and needs mirrored in those coming toward us now if we ourselves are in balance.
Later, as we ease on out of Capricorn season, our creativity will be sparked. Create freely and protect whatever comes from you. Because there may be some other kinds of sparks flying around. If you’re already deeply in touch with the source of your passion, you’ll be more than prepared for any conflict arising as we enter the season of Aquarius.
Wising you all much peace and many blessings.