Leo Season Tarot Cards

What has gone…
Past Situation: 4 of Pentacles
Past Actions: The Fool 0
Integrated Shadow: The Sun XIX
Welcome to the Jungle, Cubs ?! Leo Season will be an open invitation to bask in the fruit of our efforts. This month’s tarot hints at a collective move beyond conservation of the resources we built during Cancer Season. Our willingness to walk with faith away from old attachments has fortified confidence and increased optimism. We’ve learned from our experience what tangible good a positive attitude will do. Gemini Season we taught us how to ‘Act as if’, Cancer energy taught us to channel feeling into intent. Thought has been made real. Now, as we move into the current moment, we be inspired to act because. Ase’
What is outgoing…
Passing Conflict: The Lovers VI
Passing Support: 9 of Wands
Finally leaving behind the extreme dualism of of ♊Season as indicated by The Lovers card, we’ve reconciled our head and heart identified our tribe through a few (likely egoic) battles and fought alongside them to reach our goals. Recognizing the progress we’ve made makes the need for rest more obvious too. Choices have been expressed and acted on, and the results are in. This combo suggests consequences will touch us right in the heart space.
The Real Leo Season
Actual: Ace of Wands
Known: 10 of Pentacles Unknown: 9 of Pentacles
Environment: 6 of Pentacles & Death XIII
Support: 7 of Chalices
The Ideal
Ideal Situation: 6 of Chalices
Ideal Environment: The Moon XVIII & Knight of Wands
Leo Season Issues
Positive Influence: The Empress III
Negative Influence: The Hanged Man XII
Distractions: 6 of Swords
Problem Behavior: 2 of Chalices
What emerges from what has gone…
Incoming Info: Knight of Pentacles
Incoming Trigger: Ace of Chalices
Incoming Support: 3 of Wands
What we manifest, and how…
Advice: King of Wands & Queen of Swords
Outcome: The Hierophant & 8 of Chalices