Gemini Season Begins!
We’re well into Spring and the getting is going! Our detached awareness in the face of instability or lack facilitates the collective’s healing efforts. As Gemini Season begins, many come face-to-face with the difficult consequences of impractical actions and strategize a way forward that reflects our increasing self-regard and liberates us from emotional baggage. Patience and persistence take us step-by-step into a world of our conscious creation.
Aries Season showed us where we distract ourselves with the goings on of others, while Taurus Season taught us how to navigate the egos of others while keeping our own in check. Now, having learned the lessons we get to apply them. As a result, newness abounds this season and helps us in our efforts to fill up the bag, rebuild our self-esteem and heal our hearts.

The tarot spread I chose for the 2023-2024 Zodiac Year comes from?
“The Complete New Tarot“ by Onno Docters van Leeuwen & Rob Docters van Leeuwen
and is called The Ouroboros Spread (page 295)
Gemini Season 2023 Tarot Cards
Ideal: 2 of Cups
Problem: Page of Pentacles (reversed)
Questioner (Collective): Empress (reversed)
Past: Knight of Cups
Decreasing Influence: 2 of Pentacles (reversed)
Increasing Influence: 3 of Cups (reversed)
Collective Approach: King of Swords
Environment: Ace of Cups
Inner Emotions: Temperance (reversed)
Outcome: The Fool
Collective Outlook
The collective shows up in reverse this season, indicating that we are operating from a false premises or misunderstanding of the energy we look to embody. In this case, most of us are being called to reflect on how our actions measure up to our stated values. Meanwhile, there’ll be some very obvious events that demonstrate how our self-worth (or lack thereof) impacts our receptivity. Additionally, The Empress indicates our capacity to attract that which we value to us. For those who are into vibrational medicine/healing, this is about becoming a vibrational match to the experiences we wish to have.
What’s currently being mirrored to us by the people and goings on in the environment is the exact openness that is required to turn the queen of queens upright. The Ace of Cups is a decisive emotional renewal on offer to us in exchange for our willingness to soften and re-align with respect for ourselves and those around us who see us truly. Inevitably, we attract that which believe we are, consciously or not. If we’ve set our sights on equal and emotionally penetrating bonds and connections, we better also be looking deep into ourselves and taking steps that establish & maintain balance within.
Indeed, the problem we face during Gemini Season is the reversed Page of Pentacles. This character tends to take steps out of order or not at all due to fear of making mistakes. Even more problematic is his or her squandering of valuable time, resources, relations and opportunities to create structure, attain security, or build wealth. Hell yeah, that’s a problem! However, the collective seems to be not only aware, but more than ready to strategize a solution.
What’s Gone & Going
Unrealistic expectations of the effort required or ignorance surrounding the necessary practical steps led to emotional dissatisfaction with our manifestations. Consequently, what has emerged for us to address this month is an acute feeling or literal lack. We may have been too emersed in our dreams of ease or believing we had ‘extra’ time. Delusions of romance and effortless worldly success only distract us from enduring love and satisfying work. Nevertheless, we see the truth now and are mentally preparing to build anew.
Unclear priorities or mismanagement of funds and other material means brought losses. As a result, we’ve learned how to make do with little. Too, the collective faced a moment during the previous season where what is most important to us was made clear. Moving forward, it’ll be easier to plan and conserve in ways that open our lives to more of what we now know matters. When it arrives, it won’t be squandered.
What emerges
Finally, as we close out the Twins’ season, we accept where our emotional reserves have been wasted on unfulfilling people and pursuits. We are no longer engaging or including those not moving alongside us of our own accord. Nor are we allowing our feelings or attachments to impact progress. As a service to ourselves, we detach from connections and cease activities that keep us plateaued.
This month, we come to understand that maturity is a double-edged sword. It is a sharp and piercing blade, emphasizing the swift passage of time as much as our potential for limitlessness. We must not wait to commit with our actions, align our thoughts and words, and regulate those wayward ass emotions of ours. (@ self) Let’s do what it takes to liberate ourselves from our conditioned deficiency.
Other Aspects to Consider…
- Missteps in the material realm led to significant losses. The impact this has had on the emotions of many of us contributed to further missteps. Reactivity and fantastical thinking are not effective tactics for solving problems. There is a distinct pattern at play here. What actions can you take to establish deeper emotional regulation in your life?
- The collective is called to develop our capacity for detachment, decisiveness, honesty, and strategic thinking. Our recovery from past losses depends on it.
- As we review where we over or under committed, it’ll become increasingly clear who in our lives distracts us from the progress we expect of ourselves.
- As we create the necessary space, self-esteem increases, and the Empress returns to her throne. Cut with compassion. The King of Swords is as much master surgeon as great debator.
- The penetrating and balanced bonds we seek may not be indicated by the fool but the authentic self expression this outcome card represents will liberate the most authentic versions of us. The deeper we meet ourselves, the more prepared we are to explore the depths of someone else.
As always, I wish you peace of mind, joyful hearts, and abundant lifestyles.
With you in the valley ?
?Kori Woo