Pisces Season Tarot 2023


The end of the 2022 Zodiac year is upon us

Welcome To Pisces Season 2023!!!
The year of the Water Rabbit arrived with the New Moon
in the sign of the water bearer. Now, we’re in the waves.
Healing & holding space for our many selves. We’ve reconciled
the past and taken responsibility for our parts in it. Moving forward,
the collective learns to balance our obligations with our passions. Discretion helps
us clear the snakes in the grass and find those who move with pure intent.

Pisces Season Tarot Tableau

Tarot Tableau spread by Kori Woo is laid out for Pisces Season 2023. It features the Afro Goddess Tarot Arcana by Andrea Furtik.
Tarot Spread: Tarot Tableau by @kioniwamu Tarot Deck: Afro Goddess Tarot Arcana by Andrea Furtik


Past Situation: Ace of Cups
Past Actions: Daughter of Cups
Outgoing Conflict: Ace of Pentacles
Outgoing Support: Daughter (Page) of Swords
Integrated Shadow: 10 of Wands

As we ease on away from fixed air, it looks like our emotions may have gotten the better of our minds for a minute. How many of you were so deep in the heart space that the money got funny (me)? Additionally, those around us gave very direct input on our situations, and egos got bruised. Some spoke up for our good and some for ill. Either way, the collective’s receptivity to the feedback we received during Aquarius Season served us well. We ‘ve taken the mature route, turning everything that comes at us into something we can use. Alchemy, baby.

Saturn was still at the last degrees of its home sign, obviously working overtime. ResponsiBillyBees got handled, past due bills got paid. Even some old mistakes were practically resolved or graciously forgiven. Consequently, we were able to open ourselves to a new balance between the spiritual and worldly aspects of life. The cycle of lack and stagnancy is officially over.


Pisces Season Ideals

Ideal Situation: Temperance (XIV)
Ideal Environment: Strength (VIII) & 4 of Pentacles

As we get used to the mutable energy of Pisces season, we seem to be seeking a flexibility within that supports a balanced lifestyle. Stillness and respect for natural cycles are just as important as knowing when to act or speak with fervor. Temperance again speaks of maintaining an equilibrium between creative and spiritual pursuits and the material responsibility. A healthy compromise between the soul and the ego, movement and meditation, witnessing and expression. Furthermore, Strength and the 4 of ‘Pents’ confirm that we’re seeking environments that reflect our passion but encourage our self-control.

The Real

Actual Situation: 5 of Pentacles
Environment: 8 of Wands & 2 of Swords (VI)
Supportive Influences: Daughter of Cups & 5 of Swords

However, the 5 of Pentacles suggests we may be coming up short of our intent or expectations in reality. The card in these surroundings feels less like lacking material resources or self-worth issues and more like struggle love. It’s the kind of dynamic where one has trouble reaching their full potential in the current company. Even worse, the individual’s impact on those people is similar. Crabs in a barrel. Everyone is trying their damndest to move forward, but the efforts of those closest to us inadvertently sabotage us. WOW. I’m going to take the ideal route & say it’s just better to keep plans to yourself and implement them in solitude. Maybe, this way we keep the peace and the pace.

The Issues

Problem Behavior: The Lovers (VI)
Negative Influences: 3 of Pentacles & 3 of Wands

Presently, most of the collective issues are social in nature. The Lovers at a low vibration is not using discernment in the company we keep. Remember that we become increasingly similar in lifestyles to those we spend the most time around. Who around you do you want to be like?

Too, the 3 of Pentacles suggest our circle may not have the same end goal as us. Inevitably, spending too much time facing the wrong direction will lead us astray. The collective is tryna do too much! ? What a waste to match energy with those who neither reflect nor respect your sense of self-worth and overall intent… A healthy self-interest and a focus on detachment would work better. Focus on what serves you to move from pointless chaos into dynamic productivity. When the sun moves into Aries, we start a new year. Begin how you want it to go…


Incoming Trigger: 7 of Cups
Incoming Info: Goddess (Queen) of Wands
Incoming Support: 4 of Swords

As we transition into the new astrological year, Pisces season will show us more than a few choices and personal matters to deal with. The details won’t be clear, no matter what the collective decides, and this naturally will cause some tension. What we need may conflict with what we want. What we see may not be the truth when we look beneath the surface. Instinct will fill the space where facts are lacking. Confidence in our trajectory and choices will arrive once we understand the new impulses and learn when and when not to question ourselves. Also, those moments we take to rest and allow time for silence will provide the space necessary for answers to emerge.

Advice: Daughter of Wands & 5 of Wands
Outcome: 9 of Wands & 8 of Swords

The guidance of the “ Afro Goddess Tarot Arcana” is to channel enthusiasm into our actions and move confidently in whichever direction most aligns with our individual desires. Belonging is important, but not at the cost of our growth and authentic self-expression. It’s time to get wildly creative in pursuit of our own satisfaction.

The outcome suggests that our passion for what we do going forward will be the fuel in our tanks that takes us to the finish line. We must be careful, though, that our concentration doesn’t become a fixation on a certain outcome or way of doing things. Adjust the means, not the end. The season of the Ram comes soon, and we’ll begin all over again.

I wish you all much peace, truth, and abundance.

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