Taurus Season Week 4 Astrology (May 15 – 21, 2023)


All week the collective will be noticing the energy of Jupiter in Taurus as it approaches a Square to Pluto(0° Aquarius (exact 5/18) This transit confirms what we discovered during the slow excavation that was Mercury Retrograde in Taurus. What we relegate to our blind spots without review is likely to be intensely activated. The purpose is to be purged, transformed, or to integrate a part of our shadow into our conscious efforts to establish security and increase our self-evaluation.

5/12 – 20 Mars trine Neptune This transit calls for us to transcend our individual desires and instead to be of service to the collective, which inherently includes us. We are finding our common ground and learning & acting in alignment with our shared interests. Be careful as some around us may appear to have our best interest at heart or share our goals, but that may not be the case when we look beneath the surface. Be careful of those who would present themselves to you as victims of circumstance or the machinations of others without any accountability for their role in the way things are. Also, watch for a tendency to see yourself as a savior or as a martyr. Dualistic thinking is a signal that we are denying some part of our reality. 

5/11 – 16 Venus in Cancer trines Saturn in Pisces Our needs and expectations are grounded in tangible reality. So our demands of ourselves and others are also. We recognize our and others’ fallibility without condescension because we are also aware of skills, talents and resources we have or share. This is a great time for financial planning and investment. Relationships that begin under this transit are typically stable, though not emotionally expressive there is an element of great resonance. This is a good time to discuss relational problems and work to resolve them. Cooperation is favored as is a detached, pragmatic approach.

5/ 10 – 16 Mercury conjunct N.Node  It’s a loose orb, but we’re strategizing in order to bring greater material security into our lives. This could be researching diets or relocating funds. Either way, our thoughts and communications center on stability and building of lives that provide us comfort.

5/17 Jupiter enters Taurus Taking control of the material experience. There is an increase in purposeful investment. This is a great time to ask for a raise if you have been consistent in your work, loyal to your company or helping to increase their bottom line. Earning your leisure is a phrase I would associate with this placement. Our work is for a purpose, to benefit us in tangible ways, through income or physical comfort we get to witness how our conscious self-evaluations line up with our unconscious self-definition. Whoo.

5/ 19 ♉New Moon in Taurus 28°(Leo rising chart in United States (CST)
(sextile Mars in Cancer /Neptune in Pisces and trine Pluto) –

We may all be finding it difficult to co-exist or collaborate in ways that do not hinder our sense of independence today. This is the perfect day though to be thinking about what stuck energy needs to be cleared out so that you can work towards greater abundance in the Taurus ruled area of your chart. This is a good day to implement our plans alone, because despite the high emphasis on leadership, there is resistance through other aspects. Not the time to shy away from conflict but also not the time to be forcing your agenda on others.

Horoscope generated by astro-seek.com depicts the planets position through the zodiac and in angular relationship to one another. Chart is generated for Central Standard Time, USA
Chart is generated for Central Standard Time, Milwaukee Wisconsin, USA 10:53 a.m.

We’re particularly aware of the emotional or material states of others, and this can prove to be a distraction from how our own feelings are impacting our livelihood and vice versa. Empathy is high, so this is a good time to surround yourself with optimistic people and those you are devoted to if you cannot or do not want to go it alone. Negative energies will tend to seep into our own experience, so do be careful what kind of people you surround yourself with through this period. The sheer intensity of our and others emotional displays will trigger some of the control issues of the Mars aspect.

In the background Venus is in a waning trine to Saturn – *see above* and
Jupiter is in Square aspect to Pluto – *see above*

Mars Opposite Pluto 5 /19-24 Efforts to transform our circumstances or relationships are met with external resistance. We are trying to assert our uniqueness and be approved of by a collective that recognizes us as a part of the group.  How can you function as an individual while maintaining a level of respect for interpersonal dynamics and social responsibilities? Be careful of your desire to get others to behave, respond, or exist in a certain way. Controlling impulses will garner great opposition at this time. 

Mercury sextile Saturn (exact 5 /18-20) Mercury is now direct. If we’ve been using these transits effectively, we should now be seeing a marked improvement or the resolution of the issue that was initially hinted at April 5-9, right after mercury first entered Taurus when the sun was conjunct Chiron. This issue would have been reactivated last week while mercury was still retrograde asking us to look deeper at it. We attempted to make adjustments or at least plan them last week. Now, we see the results and have an opportunity to further refine our direction, methods, and the values from which they source. When Taurus and Pisces energies combine, we are literally spiritualizing matter. This is a great opportunity to take a new approach to an old problem or lighten the load by changing the way we take on responsibility.

Obviously, the week is intense with the new moon alone, but with Jupiter changing signs and approaching a square to both Pluto and Mars as it enters Leo, this fixed grand cross is going to show us what it means to source our security and define our values from the inside out!! Good luck to you lovelies!

If you haven’t already, check out the tarot energy forecast for Taurus Season and drop a comment if it resonates.

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