Welcome, Taurus Season!
Welcome to Bull’s Season, baybehs!
We enter this season with a stellium (3+ planets) in Taurus. The Sun joins Mercury (which stations retrograde 4/21) and Uranus. Jupiter will bring up the rear at the end of the season, intensifying the energy of the archetype for all of us. The month promises to be as intense as it is rewarding. The tarot reflects the intensity of the season and the intentionality that will be required of us as we navigate mid spring.
The Moon (reversed)
Decreasing Influence
The Tower (reversed)
6 of Cups
Inner Emotions
Ace of Cups
King of Pentacles

The tarot spread I chose for the 2023-2024 Zodiac Year
comes from? “The Complete New Tarot“
by Onno Docters van Leeuwen & Rob Docters van Leeuwen
and is called The Ouroboros Spread (page 295)
9 of Swords
Increasing Influence
7 of Pentacles
Queen of Wands
Knight of Swords
Queen of Pentacles
Collective Outlook
As many of us gear up for the natural changes of summer, (more light and general vitality), we are learning detachment and verbal self-protection. The cards show us conserving energy for what truly matters. The Queen of Wands represents the triggering energy this month. While usually confident (or at least appearing to be) and charismatic, she can also be melodramatic, self-centered and downright abusive! The Knight of Swords as our approach to Taurus Season’s issues implies a few may want to rip some new backsides with their words. It’s true this character needs to be knocked down a peg or two, but not by us. Remember, the truth defends itself.
Any circumstances, dynamics or actual people who confuse or dilute our intent are being highlighted for removal, not battle. Their actions in response to our efforts to create sustainability will tell all. Apply the info in a way that is truly beneficial and not just a comfort to the lower self. Because ego is definitely a problem the card is challenging us to face.
Consequently, even if our or another’s shadow gets activated, it’s best to channel aggression into building resources and achieving goals. The Knight and Ace ask us to speak our minds while maintaining a sense of compassion. This applies to our self-talk as well. We’re free to turn lingering illusions around in ways that provide clarity. The information we uncover helps make way for health and wealth. Let’s use our awareness of our own flaws to navigate the antics of others.
Even more important than our interactions with others is our healing of self. As we prioritize our own integration and progress, we cease unconsciously attracting drama and chaos from others. Then, we can move slowly and steadily into a new era of our lives stable, receptive, and in a great position to give as good as we get. As we come out of a period of self-reflection, logical follow-up actions clear up the lingering consequences of our self-deception, especially regarding the past.
What’s Gone & Going
In fact, the bonds of the past may be the source of our problems, says the 6 of Cups. The emotional connections we’ve shared may have convinced someone around us of our subservience or emotional dependence on them. However, self-worth and material foundations are on an upward swing, and not a soul can dim the shine. If you’ve ever tried to dominate a Taurus or a Queen of Wands, you’ve had a strenuous exercise in futility. The cards and the stars both say we cut that out in Aries Season. Taurus Season shows us simply not attending it. Nevertheless, those we were once close to will be testing our limits and grinding gears.
Despite any efforts to sway us from our intentions, the collective seems to effortlessly continue moving toward security though. Many will avoid disaster by embracing the winds of change. The Tower as a decreasing influence represents a conscious effort to repair or establish new foundations once we’ve recognized the crumbing in progress. The goal when this card is turned around is to prevent chaos or upheaval that is unnecessary. You see the weak spots before destruction ensues, so there’s time for repair. As we move fully out of fixed earth, we find our consistency and practicality are rewarded by tangible signs of growth. Packets getting fatter, bodies getting stronger, loves that stand the tests of time.
What emerges
Our refusal to match the negative or overly aggressive dynamics around us puts us ahead of the game because we very quickly start to notice growth where once there was a lack. Awareness of the value of our work keeps us moving in the right direction as indicated by the incoming 7 of Pentacles. We’ve handled our responsibilities to ourselves and to our goals, and slowly but surely, we’re attracting new. Investors and investments are presenting themselves to us based on the work we do or our commitment to growth.
Those we meet or reconcile with now will be stable. Keep your eyes on those who have and recognize true self-worth. There’ll be no need to hold them accountable for their behavior. They will do so themselves, acknowledging, then adjusting according to priority, showing us that we are one of them.
The Queen of Pentacles seems very much in line with the intention that we started with. However, it looks more like a supportive relationship based on different approaches to similar values than becoming the King.
I get the feeling that we’ve done so much giving, we may have inadvertently encouraged those around us to expect us to continue doing so without return. This realization (the Moon) is what triggers us to recalibrate where we place our resources (7 of Pentacles). In spite of that, the collective encounters in this kingly character someone who’s benevolence is a testament to our own generosity. Even better, those who would use us for our skills & resources or run over us to feel power don’t even get an invite. We move into Gemini Season ready to receive what we have mastered providing and in peace. Asé!
Other Aspects to Consider…
- The realization that we have given up our power to satisfy our or another’s egoic impulse causes anger. We are compelled to initiate direct communication of boundaries or disconnect. An Increase in self-esteem influences our decision to stand in our power as we face the past and those who’d rather engage in outdated dynamics.
- While we recognize that we still have affection for those we connected with in the past, what the majority of the collective seeks is newness or a rebirth in the emotional realm that includes feelings of safety & security. The work we do and the boundaries we set now all serve this goal.
- The recognition that we’ve been selling ourselves short in terms of the energy we allow and the goals we pursue leads us to speaking up for ourselves and/or changing directions. There’s no need for this pivot for those of us who are not being distracted or dominated by people and circumstances of the past.
- In the environment, it seems like there is some guilt over fear-based words and actions. It’s causing those who aren’t interested in joining or dominating us to turn away from our wealth or stability building efforts.
Don’t be surprised if you unexpectedly see through someone’s bullshit after an absence (or they you ?). - We manage to avoid disaster in large part because of this turning away, but also because rather than engage in power games and petty conflicts, we also turn away from the muck, investing in holistic growth.
As always, I wish you peace of mind, joyful hearts, and abundant lifestyles.
With you in the valley ?
?Kori Woo