Completed Shedding As A New Cycle Begins
Notes on the Tarot
Obviously, I’m ready for some new shit. That’s for sure. I don’t know about the rest of y’all, but I’ve been preparing to manifest my desires this year in ways I haven’t before. I’ve already laid the 2024 personal tarot tableau. However, I did so while doing other 2024 tarot prep. So, I haven’t looked at them to see what the overall picture is. Specifically, I’m hoping and trying to manifest some calm, connection, and creative business opportunities. I’ll leave that there.
Anyway, I want to touch on a lot, but I’m going to stick to the tarot spread and how it relates to my intentions for the year. I’m also going to be referring to the completed 2023 Lenormand grand tableaus. (I have been posting my monthly personal readings privately all year.) There will be a Part 1 & Part 2 just to keep the length reasonable. I’ll breakdown the tableau here and the month to month with Lenormand reflections in the next post. Hopefully, this will serve as an example of how to use the tarot to discern the energy at play, both within and without.

Initial Impressions
Initially, I noticed a ton of reversals. There’s something that needs to be seen more clearly or that is emerging under my radar. From left to right, the current situation and what surrounds it is emotionally tense. There’s some immaturity to be cognizant of since all the court cards are reversed. Specifically, the reversed King of Cups is central to the entire spread and says that my emotional state is upsetting my foundations. That’s not exactly new. Nevertheless, it might be upsetting the foundation of someone around me who embodies the energy. Thankfully, I don’t expect to be dealing with that all year though. As a matter of fact, I’m hoping to start the year out by regaining my independent living. As much as I love my family and know that they love me, it’s just not tenable for my mental health.
Interestingly, I’m not seeing a lot of numbers repeating. So, in a way, the reading is balanced. However, there’s at least 1 major arcana in every row, both horizontally and vertically. In other words, it’s likely to be an impactful year in my life overall. I am about to experience the 3rd pass of my Saturn square now that the planet is direct. It’s all about my 2nd and 5th house energies, both of which are Jupiter ruled (Sag & Pisces, respectively). The themes are spiritualizing matter, finding the pleasure (5H) in embodiment of spiritual values (2H). Establishing personal authority (Saturn) over my material experience (2H) will be important. Taking responsibility for expanding my financial reach and creative output are also themes that have taken on a spiritual meaning for me.

Current Energies
The current situation is a reversed King of Cups. Ideally, my year would certainly show me mastering emotional regulation. Moreover, I’d be doing this while building material foundations in ways that reflect my keen intuition and balance. However, the reversal here is an upset here that may trigger some uncomfortable moments emotionally and financially. Nonetheless, it’s going to be important this year to establish and maintain control of my reactions and to express my love in ways that are both practical and aligned with my heart. Not easy, by far, but straightforward. The reason for this is likely reflected by the known/unknown cards. There’s a conflict due to lack of reciprocity or resources that is activating someone or all parties’ ego. Confidence and focus on one’s own work could mitigate the tension, but if the goals differ there may be a need to take space from the environment.
As a matter of fact, there’s no trust in this dynamic. The environmental cards reversed King of Swords and the 9 of Wands confirm this. Most noticeably, the 9 of Wands is pretty obvious about their skepticism. Experience compels this person’s belief that there are always threats in the form of other’s egoic reactions. This is a card about hypervigilance and the exhaustion that ensues when we’re always on guard. For me, this has been standard for some time. Here’s a problem that I’ve been working hard to transcend, though. I recognize that my reaction to the realization that I cannot confide in or deepen a bond with someone matters more than what they have going on. In other words, giving into or resisting my own conditioned behaviors determines how the experience progresses. Can I keep my self-respect intact when dealing with someone else’s? Can I simultaneously recognize a threat and remain calm, strategic, discreet? I think 2017-2018 brought that message home pretty well. Now I just have to release the guilt that is activated when I no longer give the benefit of the doubt to similar energies.
knowns & unknowns
In this spread it seems my awareness is surrounding the conflict, competitive energy or petty behaviors that upset the energy of the King of Cups. It’s important to remember that everyone in the 5 of Wands has a similar goal. However, being realistic is just as important. Some people are simply incompatible and forcing them to work together does more harm than good… Allowing that to undermine personal power by reacting to it in ways that do more self-harm than problem resolution created the reversal. Overindulging drink due to hurt feelings, manipulating or intentionally triggering others due to emotional insecurities, and just being subservient to one’s emotions in general will create chaos in the life of a stable adult. That’s common sense. More importantly, it puts the person engaging these behaviors on the losing side of a 5 of Wands battle, eventually leaving them out of the progress that occurs.

On the other hand, I’ve got the reversed 6 of Pentacles. There’s a lack of reciprocity and balance in practical responsibilities and rewards that result from handling them. It’s possible a 3rd party situation exists where a person giving to multiple people is not delegating their time well enough to go under the radar. King of Cups or Swords, though? Either way, here’s the root of the 5 Wands. Of course, this person may be accustomed to having power or leverage like the emperor making discretion pointless. Someone with that much authority in the life of others is not likely to react well to someone who only recognizes their own, but that’s his energy also. Hence, there’s a need to establish mutual respect between myself and this character. Too, I’ll have to avoid throwing a fit of my own when I feel a lack of control or threat to my personal power. This is especially true if I find myself in some sort of 3rd party. I know from personal experience it won’t be easy resisting the urge to go the eff off, but I understand the consequences better now having done it a couple times 😏😳
The Issues
problem behavior
Interestingly, the Page of Cups is upside down. The problem behaviors very much reflect what I said about the 5 of Wands, but there’s an emphasis here on emotional immaturity that fuels the egoic reactions. Here’s someone who’s intuitive, sensitive, and openly expressive. However, their expressions may be a little on the whimsical or unrealistic side. This page expresses his or her feelings in ways that are typically not sustainable due to their intensity. Make no mistake, though, this person shows exemplary sincerity and usually has the best of intentions. Nevertheless, the Page’s emotions are affected by everything that occurs in its periphery and is therefore not the least bit reliable. If I’m showing up or repeatedly reacting in ways aligned with this energy, I stand the chance of having my wishes thwarted by my own mood and the ways that I channel those emotions.
External distractions
The reversal of the Hanged Man serves as a distraction. The feeling that external influences are holding me back from my goal is compelling a lack of or misplaced effort on my part. Too, this energy is restrictive to an extreme degree. It’s like further repressing oneself as a reaction to external forces trying to attempt the same. The key to transcending this experience is recalling agency. I need to focus my energy and align action with intent and desires always. Regardless of what is going on outside my conscious control, my own actions will determine my trajectory in the end. This is how to best embody Emperor energy.
negative influence
As a negative influence, I have the Moon. Allowing my emotional reactions to determine how I perceive and respond to facts is intensifying the discomfort and lack of progress. Projecting the source of this stagnancy and discontent has harmful results even if I believe it. This is self-deception at it’s highest. There’s also the tendency toward negative disposition and expectations. If I am anticipating being unsuccessful, I won’t put in the necessary effort to be successful. (Most wouldn’t.) Therefore, changing my attitude and adopting a more positive way of looking into the future is going to be a significant means of altering my experiences.
Past & Passing Energies
The Past Informs intent
past situation
Understandably, the reversal of the 3 of Swords brought out the King of Cups’ energy. There was a drawn-out period of processing after a painful relationship with another. This tarot card reflects the acute awareness most of us experience after an intense situation calms down. Communication may have been harsh or difficult to accept, but it brought out necessary truths. I’ll need to work on acceptance at this point and not giving into emotions that the past brings up. Too, it’ll be important to utilize the lessons learned in order to avoid a repeat situation. Regardless, I manage to channel and put forth Ace of Swords energy, clear sight, understanding, and direct detached communication of the truth. This led to a deepening understanding, but also some upset.
integrated shadow
What I gained from the situation is the ability to work through 7 of Swords energy. That’s discretion, discernment, and a balance between healthy distance and compassion for others. This work helped me to manifest a new beginning of sorts, and it’s one that’s honest. Currently, the deceptive energies are waning. Specifically, the integrated 7 of Swords suggests I’ve learned to keep things to myself without being dishonest or misleading. Too, it suggests that I’ve mastered the art of strategy and discretion to serve my best interests. Obviously, I’ve seen through my and/or someone’s bullshit and managed to get TF over it as well.
outgoing conflict
In fact, the reversed 10 of Cups, which is the outgoing conflict says I’ve been maintaining an illusory connectivity to a community that is not emotionally aligned. Either way, I’m clearing the fakery out of my life starting with my own. The 8 of Cups as the outgoing support suggests that I’ve learned to exist autonomously so that I don’t have to run away or change my direction because those around me are incompatible. It’s as much about self-containment as blooming where I’m planted. There is a chance for healthy connection wherever I find myself if I am actively working to heal and making space for intimacy. That means, in this case, eliminating any distractions and working through feelings and obstacles with courage and consistency.
ideal environment & situation
As a result of the deceptive and misaligned energies I’ve experienced in the recent past, I set my sights on moving through a transformation with the understanding that it may be painful. There are growing pains inherent in the process of change. I have to face them head on and resolve them for progress to occur. The Death card, for me, is also about embodying what comes naturally in a consistent way. (It represents Scorpio, my natal ascendant.)
On the other hand, Justice reversed represents a desire for retribution and a feeling of persecution. I’m not sure how this would be ideal except for maybe encountering someone who expresses an understanding of my experiences with betrayal. The Fool though as the central Ideal is very much about facing the new with my head on straight. Not seeking out the new but returning back to basics in a way that brings a new sense of self and way of perceiving the world around me.
Helpful Influences
Current Support
As the year progresses, I find my positive outlook makes a huge difference in my experience. Right now, support shows up looking like the 3 of Wands: keen observation with an eye on progressive actions. Plans manifest and the results inform me on how I might adapt my methods. Too, previous efforts begin to show positive potentials and of course any room for improvement. This card is supportive, so it’s likely that before an issue arises in a project or environment, I’ll get a hint as to what it is and how best to work through it. That last part may come in the form of another person’s guidance.
positive influnce
Another benefactor in this spread is the Sun, reversed. I sense that over the course of 2024, my outlook becomes more and more optimistic, although it certainly doesn’t look like it starts that way. Regardless of orientation, this card is positive, although it may be difficult to see my way to the light initially. Because the 3 of Wands brings positive results of my plans and actions, I believe it’s the reason for the uptick in my mood as time passes. A sense of success and accomplishment stems from having done what I set out to do or at least knowing I did my best. Too this suggests that regardless of whether the result matches the initial vision, it’s gonna be more than satisfactory. It’ll actually satisfy.
Incoming Influences & Advice
What is Emerging now
Incoming Trigger
Incoming energies are mostly positive, with the exception of the reversed Emperor as the trigger which I mentioned before. Someone in a position of authority may be abusing it rather than using it in the interest of those who serve them. My reaction to this energy is usually to call try to expose it. I think in this case though, a different approach is best. The reversal suggests this person will likely escalate or throw a fit if they feel they are being thwarted or denied. The incoming energies represent the early stages of a time period, so this is likely within the first 6 months of the year. This may be someone who feels a loss of power in my presence specifically and shows up in an immature way because of this insecurity (also a reversed Emperor theme).
Incoming Information
I get information this same period in the form of the Lovers reversed. It’s possible that I experience a separation from someone I consider myself bonded too. However, it’s more likely that I’ll hear about or witness the disconnect between 2 other parties. This card is often about making a choice between 2 or more people based on who best reciprocates my energy or is most complimentary to it. I may formalize a commitment or find a new partner in or near June, as reversals are often energy delayed or due to emerge in the future. Speaking of that…
Incoming support
Likewise, the incoming support is just as out in the open as the Emperor’s attitude. In fact, the 6 of Wands is all about the attention garnered from reaching a goal and being the victor in battle (or on the righteous side of a conflict). This recognition seems to serve my goals this year. Also, it indicates that my willingness to put myself out there and allow others to see my skills, talents, and personality will be vital as the year progresses. Alongside the reversal of the sun, which also shows a light being shined, it is about making sure others get to witness or experience me when I am in a positive state of mind and acting accordingly.
The guidance
Interestingly, the advice looks a lot like self-containment creatively and financially. The 2 cards are not quite, but almost contradictory due to the 7 of Wands’ reversal. That’s a note to let down one’s guard or calm defensiveness. It’s almost looks like I’m being asked to keep what’s important or valuable to myself without giving the appearance of defense or self-protection. The 4 of Pentacles is a card that holds onto resources due to the expectation or actual lack or potential for loss. Too it can simply be conservation of energy for what is important. Even as I look at the cards, I’m asking why wasting time protecting myself from threats to some power I’ve already proven? Creative, physical, professional are the first things that come to mind with this specific combination of fire and earth. There’s like a focus on amassing resources at the expense of protecting the ego or a specific position within a social hierarchy. That’s earth energy there. I may find myself trying to maintain a position, a title, or a group identity I’ve won or earned at the expense of stability or a desired material lifestyle. I’ll have to be careful about the choices I make professionally, what I put out creatively, and how I engage those who deem me a competitor (or vice versa, of course).
The Future
~November 2024 – February 2025
VII The Chariot, reversed
It makes sense that I’d be slowing down as the winter rolls back around. (It’s the beginning of 2024 as I complete “The Future” portion of this reading.) However, this card is whispering that internal disagreement about goals, methods, or means are leading to an interruption of progress. Because this is a Major Arcana, the internal chaos and resulting stagnation are likely to reverberate over all aspects of my life. Great. Specifically, the inability to fully integrate conflicting parts of self is hindering forward movement. It’s also about the slight differences between running from, running toward; between running in circles and running in place. The end of 2024 will likely compel me to slow down at least enough to see what’s being missed but stay in motion that is regulated enough to maintain eye contact with my goals and values. If it feels out of reach, I’m gonna have to reach inside myself and relocate whatever feels lost, lacking, or backwards. At some point, the temptation will arise to push an agenda even after it becomes obvious that the goal is misaligned or the method ineffective. I will have to choose between pridefully sticking to my modus operandi or making very turbulent pivot toward a better outcome. 😬
8 of pentacles, reversed
Withdrawing energetic investments probably going to be the result of the Chariot energy. The reversal of the 8 of Pentacles is about ceasing work that has already commenced. This guy’s been putting in consistent practical effort to grow something of worth that reflects their personal value. However, now upside down, they may be realizing the work being done won’t get the expected result. Even worse if they are working to secure the investment of others, their skillset is going largely unrecognized and therefore unappreciated. Talk about a waste of energy. That’s what this card most often means.
On the other hand, this reversal can also represent quitting a job, completion of training, or a pulling back of energy from something no longer valued or desired. Hopefully, new opportunities to grow and stabilize will emerge as a cycle of misappropriated effort comes to close.

Thanks for checking out the personal forecast.
Hopefully, this served as a helpful example of how to
effectively utilize the tarot for self-reflection and personal pattern recognition.
In part 2, I’ll be focusing on the divining the mundane events from month to month.
I’ve already pulled 3 tarot cards for each month and will be pulling Lenormand
to bring it down to earth just a little bit more.
In the meant time if you’re interested in my predictions for the collective, click here.
For those of you wanting to learn and apply my approach to tarot for yourselves,
The “Tarot Profiles” are a work in progress. “Astreaux Study” series is also coming up.
So, this is a great time to ask me anything related to stars or cards!