Diving Deeply into the Process of Elimination!

Scorpio Season 2024 Astreaux

October 22 – November 21, 2024

in the beginning

Here, we are at in the middle of the Fall season. The Sun enters the fixed waters of Scorpio on October 22nd, exacting a square to it’s modern ruler, Pluto. It should be no surprise we start off intensely this solar month. After all, that’s what this sign is known for. At the same time, Mercury, also in Scorpio will make a trine to Saturn, who’s retrograde in Pisces. The messenger planet also opposes Uranus late October. So, this month promises to be emotionally sobering if nothing else. Everybody who knows knows fixed water doesn’t f*ck around.

Additionally, October 31st brings in the new moon 🌑in Scorpio, Samhain, Halloween, and Diwali just as Mercury & Uranus’ opposition wanes. Sudden and deeply impactful emotional epiphanies are likely to occur as well as some pretty intense communications around this time. It may be uncomfortable, but on the other side of this emotional purge lies an opportunity for us to strengthen our feeling muscles. Doing so frees us to connect with self and other more authentically.


For most of the season, Venus will be traversing Sagittarius, and the desire for novelty in experience and a little bit more of all the good shit becomes obvious. Be aware that this placement often suggests “too much of a good thing”. However, it can also suggest a desire to expand our horizons through our meetings with others or a desire to experience all that’s is foreign or unfamiliar. This fall is also retrograde season, so do allow time for rest and recovery between adventures!

As we move enter November, the personal planets start switching up on us one by one. Mercury enters Sagittarius on November second, getting a trine from Mars as it enters Leo. The warrior planet is slowing down significantly as it prepares to station retrograde next season. If you’re feeling froggy or at all combative, try to channel it creatively. Ego battles and reactions are going to have potent, unavoidable, and long lasting consequences. If you find yourself angry, do whatever physical activity you are capable of before reacting.

Lastly, about a week before the season closes, we’ll experience the Taurus ♉ full moon making a conjunction to Uranus. Thankfully, that’s the only major aspect made by the lunation so we’re just getting jolted from one direction.
Overall, the planetary movement this season shows us experiencing as much catharsis as movement forward. What’s most important when this much fixed and fire energy meets Pluto’s last stand in Capricorn is that we watch our egos and clear our hearts. Any noun that distracts us from doing so should be part of the purge.

Scorpio Season 2024 Tarot

Balanced Energy & Deliberate Action Expresses True Capabilities

The Cards

10 of Pentacles
Temperance XIV
3 of Pentacles
4 of Cups
Queen of Cups
Ace of Wands
6 of Wands
6 of Pentacles (reversed)

The Spread

“The Bow Spread” is from “The Complete New Tarot
Deck: “Radiant Rider Waite” by Dr. Robert Wang

What’s Happening

Leading out of Libra Season 2024

Initially, we move out of Libra Season on the tailwind of endings in the material realm. For a few of us, this was switching teams. The majority of us, however, were separating our internal resources (self-awareness and self-worth) and external foundations from those of others. Yesterday’s 10 of Pentacles bonds weren’t only material in nature. There’s an obvious focus on legacy, lineage, and generational wealth with the card though. Our collective focus on the pragmatic may have overshadowed emotional satisfaction for a time. Now, we’re ready to manifest our own equilibrium through emotional self care and practical, courageous action.

In fact, our efforts to maintain the balance between the emotional realm and responsible action may be the determining factor in our future success. XIV Temperance is the only major arcana in the Scorpio season spread. Essentially, it means the collective is able to draw from experiential wisdom, intuition and primal instinct to heal any rifts within us. In turn, the steadiness we create makes manifestation possible. Too, it readies us for practical cooperation and collaboration with others. However, most of us are no longer doing it for the bonds of before.

Negatively, the card in the overall position says some may not be considering others at all. This could cause a few to miss out a meetup with a tribe meant for them. Look up & around you for the balance you’ve created within to be mirrored back at you. While superficially, the 4 of Cups looks like every other dissatisfying offer that came before it, it may serve us well this season to look into it and maybe take a lil’ sip of the Kool-Aid®. It may just be a fresh opportunity for healing, forgiveness or connection that satisfies our hearts and pockets. Consider invites and offers carefully this month. You don’t want to confuse practical expressions of love with the transactional old 10 of Pents.

Despite our focus on what’s happening inside, those around us may be looking to test the metal of their newfound balance, and some of them will be calling the rest of us to participate in the challenge. The 3 of Pentacles is a card all about collabs, connections, cooperation, co-workers. Basically, all practical group efforts fall under its’ domain.

Additionally, it symbolizes grounded integration of individual skills to create, increase, or secure potentials for growth. In group dynamics, each individual offers a unique contribution to something larger than any one of them might make on their own. This is where we may be subtly invited to redefine and establish a personal sense of purpose and belonging. Are you ready or resistant to heeding the call?

Interestingly, what’s likely to show up around us is someone with a deeply healing influence. The Queen of Cups as an environment card, suggests that someone around us is feeling deep affection for who we’re becoming. They just may be the warm heart we need to see before we open our own again. This is person who’s both intuitive and empathic. They’ll easily pick up on our unspoken emotions and everyone else’s. Then, with immense compassion, a person with this energy will reflect them back to us in away that soothes. The love of a healthy water queen soaks you soul deep. Be discerning, but lean towards love.

What To Do About It

Leading Into Sagittarius Season 2024

In light of our desire to start anew, we’d better shake some of the hands reaching out to us. We’re not the only ones who stand to receive the offer, which could later prove time sensitive or limited in quantity… So, Scorpio season’s advice is to take be courageous, get started, react! (Ace of Wands) The world is calling us to come out and play, build, lean into love and fight for what matters. It’s time to believe in our own ability to ‘become the person’ that can build the world we wish to see. Let your hearts be full when spirit offers food. While we might not need others to handle the business, we are still wired to hold each others’ hand.

Finally, stepping up to the plate with feet planted and hearts open allows our truest light to shine. It’ll also bring the light of others our way. The 6 of wands as an outcome shows many will find success when they join the fray and act on inspiration. Willingness to engage when the need arrives or express ourselves creatively brings a win. Ultimately, many of us will notice more attention than usual coming our way. Try to keep the footing as you celebrate with those celebrating you.

I hope the light finding you reminds you of your own brilliance!
💌Kori Woo

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