Pragmatism Improves Efficacy

Virgo Season 2024 Astreaux

August 22 – September 22, 2024

In The beginning

Slow, meticulously, and with an eye on improvement, the Sun enters the sign of Virgo, and summer begins to wane. Mercury stations direct on August 28th but is still in shadow. It’s moving forward slowly, covering the degrees of the retrograde. On the 29th, Venus will return home to Libra just after a standoff with Neptune in Pisces. Then, September begins with Pluto retrograding back into Capricorn and the Virgo new moon on the 2nd.

Next, Mars will enter Cancer on the 4th, while Venus is exacting a conjunction to Lilith and the south node, both in Libra. There’ll be growing tension between our emotional need and desire to connect and our responsibility to our own independent way of showing up in the world. Try to consider yourself first and foremost your deeper needs and self-expression and how you might navigate those of others with authenticity (and your integrity in tact).


Finally, mercury heads back toward home. It will reenter Virgo on September 9 and remain through the season’s end. The full moon in Pisces on the 17th is gonna get us back in touch with our capacity for self-healing and unconditional love (not to be confused with unconditional engagement). Finally, the last day of Virgo season 2024 shows Venus moving into the sign of Scorpio. So much for Libra season lightening things up. 😏

Personal Freedom is Obtained Through Personal Responsibility

Virgo Season 2024 Tarot Spread

The Spread

The Cards

XIII Death (reversed)
Knight of Wands (reversed)
10 of Pentacles (reversed)
8 of Swords (reversed)
6 of Wands
8 of Wands (reversed)
King of Pentacles
Knight of Pentacles

“The Bow Spread” is from “The Complete New Tarot
Deck: “Black Tales Tarot” by Carlos Gee

What’s Happening

Leading out of Leo Season 2024

Initially, we come into Virgo season 2024 leaving behind Death XIII, reversed. So much earth energy permeated Leo season that some of us may be clinging to what we thought was going to happen. This card is all about resisting the changes (and often sacrifices) that grow and mature us. As a past card, some of the collective may have been clinging to attachments that kept us stagnant or worse, immobile in the face of our goals and desires.

In fact, one obvious indication that you’re dealing with this card’s reversal is the feeling that life is passing you by. There’s a transformation that needs to take place. Resistance is only delaying the inevitable and causing more harm than necessary. On the contrary, opening to changes that we sense intuitively are already occurring and acting on those we desire in our lives requires the same sacrifice, but the payoff is faster and more aligned. It won’t be easy to turn this major arcana card upright, though. This season, we’re probably gonna get a harsh lesson in flow.

Interestingly, last season’s energy seems to be significantly influencing our movement this month. The reversed Knight of Wands in the present and the Knight of Pentacles as part of the overall energy both show us slowing down. Of course, it’ll important to get a hold on the chaotic effect of the Wands reversal so that the necessary changes can occur without undermining stability or commitments we’ve made to others or they to us. A person in this energy has a tendency to always be seeking out the next best thing or most novel experience. This type of unreliability will not serve our goals or our reputations, though.

More significantly, we might be represented with opportunities to improve our material resources or alter our foundations this month. But it won’t serve to make any impulsive decisions. After all, we start the season out with Mercury still retrograde and preparing to station direct. For those of us with stationary Mercury placements, the shadow period is where the effects are most intense. Do be careful. As the season progresses though we’ll see the other side and clarity will increase. This is confirmed by the 2nd part of the overall energy, the reversed 8 of Swords. Mental freedom beckons and is its own reward.

Therefore, take your time considering how the changes occurring and the ones you want to bring in will impact you in the short and long run. There’s much opportunity to make grounded, long-lasting, and positive change if we also practice patience. This card is a clear indicator that some of what we are being prompted or forced by our circumstance and others’ choices to let go of has contributed to feelings of limitation in our lives. Now, we have the opportunity to let go of anything that puts a cap on our material, emotional, or mental reach.

In particular, people in our physical environment and those with whom we have mutually invested are also making changes. Accordingly, we may have to contend with the changes around us and do some pivoting or at least adjusting to our own plans. The 10 of Pentacles reversed represents a drawn out ending that permanently alters a group’s mutual foundation. However, this may be just what we need to establish a sense of autonomy over our own lives. So, if people you share homes, business, or other practical responsibilities with start to pull out of agreements or switch up the plans, try your best to take it in stride. Looking at the spread, I think the results will be well worth the sense of loss, which is almost certainly temporary.

What To Do About It

Leading Into Libra Season 2024

Notably, those around us are getting noticed for the changes they’ve made. This may be the reason for that feeling I mentioned before as if we’re the eye of the storm. Of course, witnessing change happen to people and ways of living we’ve come to rely on is daunting! However, keeping pace isn’t what’s important. It’s vital and much easier to align with our own internal changes. This requires awareness too. Soon, folks in our environment might be rubbernecking our way, acknowledging our efforts to lean into transformation too. The 6 of Wands represents the notoriety (or infamy) that results from our successful efforts to move beyond conflict to reach a goal or milestone.

Again, we are guided by the tarot for Virgo season 2024 to slow up. The advice for Virgo season 2024 shows up in the form of 8 Wands reversed. I can’t shake the sense that we’re being guided through the entire retrograde cycle with this entire spread. However, this card in particular is associated with the messenger planet in the sign of mutable fire. It won’t hurt to hold onto the fire from Leo season, but that’s a slow steady burn, fixed as it is. This card can also represent not following through or a halt in communications, usually the electronic sort.

In summary, for some this card guides us to take a brief pause and let the dust settle toward the end of Virgo season. Many of the changes taking place within and without will continue to shift over the next little while. It’ll do no good to rush through a process or experience that is meant to help us pace ourselves. That is not to say be completely still, but to make sure that our conversations have purpose and our responses to change take us in the direction of our intent.

Finally, as the solar month winds down, many of us will find ourselves in positions of authority and abundance simultaneously. To move from the Knight to the King of Pentacles suggests that our consistency and our efforts to prioritize while remaining adaptable bring great reward. This is an elevation in material, social or professional status. We may encounter someone who helps us move from stagnant to flourishing if we remain receptive in our attitude and practically self-interested in action. Either way, the collective stands to benefit in ways that are tangible should the guidance of the cards be successfully applied.

Buena Suerte (Good Luck), Bytches!

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