The Magnanimity of a Lion’s Roar

Magnanimous and self-aware, the Sun enters the sign of its rulership, Leo, on July 22nd. Immediately, it opposes Pluto in Aquarius. Then, Mercury comes home to Virgo on the 25th. The following day, Chiron, the asteroid symbolizing the wounded healer archetype will station retrograde. This season promises to be fruitful, even if it also proves tense, painful or just plain busy. As such, it’s best to direct those increased Virgo powers of observation on addressing habits and routines, your own ego, or expressing your creative side.

Venus enters Virgo on August 4th and stays into Virgo season. She’ll be making some tense aspects to the outer planets before she returns home to Libra next season. In this sign, Venus is uncomfortable (in fall) and tends to show her interests & affections in more subtle, practical ways. If you’re on the prowl, hygiene and intelligent communications will take you far this season. It’s also a good time to get organized and try out new health and fitness practices. We benefit in tangible ways from our attention to details and the mundane issues of our lives.

Next, Mercury stations retrograde on August 5th at 4°06′ Virgo. Obviously, this is going to be an earthy month, despite the Sun in its domicile. The retrograde starts with a conjunction to Venus on the 7th easing the transition. Still watch for those old lovers and friends for the next 4-5 weeks, folks. Discernment is Virgo’s domain, so it shouldn’t be difficult to tell shit from Shinola™️. In mutable earth, Mercury is at home. So, review, revision and re-organization are more than welcome.

However, in my experience, retrogrades can intensify Virgo energy to the point of being hypercritical or over-concerned with minutiae. So, do be careful to prioritize the areas of life you truly want to improve upon and consider what actions produce tangible results. The messenger planet re-enters Leo on the 14th. Then is the time to get back in touch with what makes you feel most vibrant and creative. Reconsider what your footprint can be on the world. Once the retrograde ends, implement plans that reflect your new understanding. This retrograde will take us into next season.


Mars will be in Gemini for the entire month, making a nice conjunction to Jupiter Aug 13-16th. The gift of gab is now granted to all. Advocate for yourself! Question, Persuade, Encourage. Your words are particularly effective. Just before the season ends, the Sun will make a conjunction to Mercury retrograde on the 18th. They’ll both be squaring Uranus in Taurus, so prepare for a shock (or two) to the system. Here’s where the gift of gab from a few days prior can become a curse. This is a transit that’s going to touch on our values, personal belongings & one-on-one relationships and daily lives. Communicate with integrity and focus your improvement efforts on your own life. Those who can keep up will do so.

Later, we’ll also see Jupiter in Gemini making a square to Saturn this month. This transit is not for the faint of heart. Our commitments, responsibility, and the level of maturity with which we engage them is up for adjustment. The period may be accompanied by feelings of unease, as most of the collective will feel deeply that the time for change is now. Nevertheless, it may be difficult to see where to focus our efforts. And it will be important to narrow down our priorities in order for our actions and attentions to remain effective over the course of time.

Accordingly, if you need to take time to yourself to recalibrate, do so. It’s warranted given the potential impact of this transit. Take stock of all areas of your life, but especially those with Gemini & Pisces on the cusp and see how you can create more order. Be very careful who you take guidance from at this time. We’d likely do better to get into a deeper conversation with our internal authority than to seek it elsewhere.

***Link to New & Full Moon Astrology Readings for the season.

Leo Season 2024 Tarot Spread

Loving in Ways That Encourages Self-Containment

Deck: The “Secret Keepers Tarot: Revelation Edition” by @benebellwen
Tarot Spread: “Bow Spread” from 📖”The Complete New Tarot
by Onno Docters van Leeuwen and Rob Docters van Leeuwen

V The Hierophant
Herald (Page) of the Earth reversed
The Warrior (Knight of Swords)
Herald of the Waters reversed
The Destroyer (10 of Swords)
The Gardener (7 of Orbs/Pentacles) reversed
IX The Erudite (Hermit)
Archangel (King) of Healing (Cups)

What’s Happening

Initially, we emerge from the hard shell of Cancer Season with greater understanding of the role that rules and traditions play in our individual lives. The Hierophant is a card of wise men, scholars, and authoritarians. Consequently, this card often refers to societal norms, “The Man”, and titled persons within formal establishments. To leave it behind suggests that energetically, we’re aligned with the transits. It’s time, then, to discover what direction we can manifest from within. In fact, the collective will likely be compelled to step outside of the expectations placed on us by the world in order to meet those we have for ourselves.

Currently, we’re collectively experiencing the reversal of the Page of Pentacles, affectionately titled “Herald of Earth” in the Spirit Keepers Tarot. This is a reversal that often means that a new beginning is arriving but so slow it’s almost unnoticed. Our foundations are shifting under our feet, folks. So of course, patience, practicality, and discipline will become increasingly important as Leo season 2024 progresses. We’re being asked by this card to persist even when tangible results are not immediately obvious. Too, it’s time to get our priorities in order lest we lose what resources we’ve managed to obtain until now.

On the other hand, the reversed herald symbolizes information arriving soon that concerns committed bonds, finances, or a long-term investment of energy, time, or attention. Many of us will be seeking to increase security or strengthen our foundations. Some will be creating or amassing new resources or sources of income. Be careful that you focus on what you truly value and not what matters to the masses (The Hierophant).

Overall, we’re seeking to re-establish peace and open up emotionally. Nevertheless, the tarot and the transits are clearly saying that the strength of our tangible foundations will likely determine the success and longevity of our healing and relating efforts. It is impossible to give what you do not possess. Therefore, if you feel that you are in any way significantly lacking in an area of your life, better channel those emotions into pragmatic action to resolve issues and fortify structures. That Jupiter square to Saturn is definitely going to show you where in your life greater responsibility is required. So, try to stay openminded to the information and events that occur. The reward is a power up for the books!

Interestingly, the unknown card for the season is “The Warrior” or Knight of Swords. More than a few of us may at some point realize that people around us are looking to us for conversation, explanations, and vital information. It’ll also be important that we are receptive to the truth even when it arrives in a harsh form. Too, we may be called upon to directly communicate a truth or provide insight where others need more info. Be discerning about what you hear and try to remain respectful when speaking. What we hear and witness now is going to fill in a gap in understanding that’ll prove vital later on.

Endings seem to take place throughout Leo season 2024, but I get the feeling that our focus determines if this directly impacts our lives or not. Choice belongs with those who choose. So, retain your autonomy regardless. Even so, the 10 of Swords represents the mental state of one who has sustained a difficult loss or conclusion in their lives. While they may have lived to tell the tale, they are now without wounds that need tending and truths that require acceptance. It is a card of air and, as such, it represents thoughts, communication, honesty, and strategy. More importantly, though, it represents that to move from along the spectrum from ending to beginning requires a level of detachment. Hopefully, the greater majority of the collective finds themselves willing and able.

What To Do About It

Energetic Investments in closure and renewal

The advice for the entirety of Leo season 2024 is to work on recognizing when an ending is necessary and conserve your energy. Allow time and space to be created for what or who in your life is there for the long haul. The reversal of the 7 of Orbs (Pentacles) is a clear notice to pull back one’s energy from anything that doesn’t show signs of a future return or appreciation for your effort. Of course, be patient as not all processes get completed quickly, but be sure that where you put your hours, dollars, and emotions feed you in turn. If not, give the parasites a nudge out the door.

What results from our conscious conservation of time, energy and raw material frees our attention to turn inward. The Hermit IX is all about a conference with the self in which wisdom is gleaned through detailed review of experiences, thoughts, words, and actions. In fact, the card itself is often associated with Virgo. So, it’s fitting that this card closes the season. Meanwhile, the Archangel (King) of Healing (Cups) as the overall energy gives a distinctly emotional and even creative filter to energy at play.

The Archangel is a master of compassion, expression, and intuition. Despite his knack for wading the chaos of deep water, he’s also managed to gain full authority over his foundations. Calm, fluidity, and intuitive self-awareness are our superpowers this month. In combination these cards suggest the collective is integrating our emotional and material experiences into a working system. Our desire for healing, the recognition of our agency in the process, along with the willingness to keep our focus on personal needs, goals, and responsibilities rather than wasting it on attachments aligned with the past brings holistic success and satisfaction.

Hopefully, I’ll see you guys bringing in next season smiling, stable, and at peace.
Wishing you joy, abundance, and clarity always.

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