Libra Season 2024 Astrology

The sun enters Libra, marking the Fall Equinox on September 22, 2024. As Libra season begins, the sun makes a positive, but likely intense trine to Pluto in Aquarius. We’re starting off with our focus on the “We” of it all. Do try to maintain a sense of autonomy as the season goes on. On the 23rd, Venus enters Scorpio, expanding our capacity for depth, intimacy, and sharing. It’ll also increase our tendencies toward fixation, especially in regards to partners and pleasures. However, she’ll be making a square to Pluto as she changes signs. The tension in this aspect will add some depth to the Sun/Pluto trine. The question to be focused on is what “We” can we align with to bring us closer to relational authenticity?

Then, on September 26th, Mercury enters Libra too, turning our mental focus decidedly to balance, fairness, aesthetics, and social strategizing. Notably, this ingress takes place after an opposition to Neptune. Virgo season has given the collective multiple opportunities to differentiate between realistic goals and ethereal ideals. It’s not the best time to start anew, but to observe the layout of the land as it shifts with our understanding. Notice who arrives, comes closer, or creates space as it relates to you.

Immediately after changing signs, the messenger planet makes the same trine to Pluto. So, we’ll get an opportunity to respond to what the Sun highlighted for us. Make sure to align your goals with your values. Then, take your time to assess the possible impact of new plans on your group associations and identity.

Mars will be in Cancer for the entire season, squaring all the planets in Libra as they move through. Consequently, while our desire is for emotional security, even if that means hiding in our shell, we’re going to meet resistance if we give into this urge. This season specifically calls for increased connectivity between people. Use discernment, then when meeting new people. As the season progresses, it’ll be obvious who around us can stand with us in the emotional realm. In the meantime, practice detachment. Later, on October 2, the new moon will occur at 10°03’. That’s the perfect time to clarify how we wish to connect.

Additionally, Saturn will be retrograde all season, receiving a sexy series of trines from Mars, Venus, and then Mercury as the season ends. Channeling our emotions into responsible and effective action can bring many satisfying rewards once Saturn stations direct. This won’t happen until November 15, though. So, do pay attention to what intuitive hits now are telling you about how to improve your foundations, establish true interdependence or move beyond apparent limitations.

Jupiter Stations retrograde on October 9 in Gemini. Consequently, this’ll be the time to start considering where we want to condense or eliminate external influences (in the form of people and information). Right after this, Pluto stations direct in Capricorn on the 11th. As such, it’s probably best to start with those who hold authority in any area of your life. Mercury enters Scorpio on the 13th.

On the 17th, we’ll experience the Aries full moon, which is the same day that Venus enters Sagittarius. The fire gets us started moving in our new directions and building stronger tribes. Finally, Libra season 2024 ends, on the 22nd. The same day, Mercury will make a sobering trine to Saturn, taking us into Scorpio season with our eye on giving order to the chaotic depths of our psyche, or at least the ways we express it.

Libra Season 2024 Tarot

The Spread

Deck: “The “Book of Thoth” by Aleister Crowley
*I do not read reversals in this deck*
Tarot Spread: “Bow Spread” from 📖”The Complete New Tarot
by Onno Docters van Leeuwen and Rob Docters van Leeuwen

The Cards

Ace if Cups
XVIII The Moon
Ace of Disks
7 of Wands “Valor
I The Magus
III The Empress
5 of Cups “Disappointment
7 of Cups, reversed “Debauch

What’s Happening

The Past

Recently, as in Virgo season, the collective had new energy emerge in their lives in the form of the Ace of Cups. Of course, aces in tarot are gifts from the Universe that must be acted upon. Healing, forgiveness, compassion, or attraction all are best shown or at least confirmed by what we do. Too, it’s important that whatever we do to invite these energies in our lives is practiced consistently. This may have been the lesson learned in the last solar month. However, we may need a little more practice before it fully sinks in. Remember that this is an undiluted chance to work on mastery. That means taking actions that establish and maintain your internal balance, authentically expressing feelings, and making moves that bring greater peace.

The Present

In fact, emotionalism and its rewards or repercussions seem to be the theme of the month. The Moon XVIII shows up in the ‘present’ position, representing the emotions and subconscious. So, there’s no denying our feels and conditioning are having a substantial impact during Libra season 2024. For better or for worse, our hearts will be touched and touched again. Additionally, the card often symbolizes delusion (emotionally rooted illusions about reality) and other negative emotional outlets. Depression, suppression, & hallucination are examples. At best, it’s the heightened intuition that shows up as the clairvoyant, clairsentience, claircognizance, etc. Those of you with manifested psychic gifts may get good (and strong) hits this month.

Either way, the heart space deserves and is likely to compel the focus of the collective. It’s about to get wavy. The best way I’ve learned to work with the intensity of the moon card’s energy is receptivity. Allow whatever feelings arise in each moment to do so freely. That way, you may eventually find it natural to detach from the stories that come from them. Let reactions this month serve as information. That little lurch in your stomach when your Spidey sense is tingling often points to an opportunity for healing. Libra season is going to keep this chance to mend in our sights.

The Unknown

Meanwhile, yet another chance for new energy to manifest itself is being gifted to us. But this one may not be nearly as obvious as the one before it, showing up in the ‘unknown’ position as it is. The Ace of Disks, a card distinctly tangible, may not be able to break through the emotional fog all the way. Nevertheless, we may have to put our emotions on ice for a time at least once this month, lest we lose or miss out on money, professional advancement, or other resources that have serious growth potential. Despite the deep water, it’ll be important in a season all about balance that we look out for seeds we can plant to increase security or stability in one or more areas of our lives. For a few, it’s about continuously making effort to embody values. Are you really adulting if you’re not checking yourself on the regular?

What To Do About It

The Environment

All month brings moments that ask us to get clear on our desires and practical about our movement toward satisfying them. Accordingly, the bottom of the deck this month features the 7 of Cups. It’s a card about “some deep disappointment that … hasn’t been resolved.” (129) What distraction have we been allowing to cover our wound? That’s what this arcana asks us to address. Now, it’s aching or distracting us from the love in our lives. So, we don’t have a choice. Best to tend what needs tending. Interestingly, I think it’ll be the Moon that sees to that.

Surrounding us, there are some who wish to bend us to their will or at least keep us distracted. With us none the wiser, The Magician I throws his stone, hides his hand, and convinces us it was always our idea. So do be careful. Not everyone presenting themselves to you is who they’d have you believe they are. This is the major arcana representing Mercury. Playful and full of mischief, but it’s a mistake to treat such a character lightly. Notably, this is one who’s master all 4 elements, but may give the appearance of ease. they may not even appear to be interested or involved in the goings on.

On the contrary, though, they are exerting their will in ways that activate the moon in us. Watch how the words and actions of those in your surroundings cause your emotions to change or intensify, even and especially if their attention seems to be focused elsewhere. More positively, the Magician in your life is someone who has the skill, network, and intention to champion a cause. They just may hold the pentacle we are meant to grow. Don’t forget to tread carefully, though!

The Advice

As Libra season 2024 progresses, we’ll each face more than one situation where we benefit in a holistic way from acting in alignment with well-defined values. Hence, the Empress III shows up as advice this solar month. Regal presentation, but also mentally, spiritually, and materially sound is a person aligned with this card. They’ve gained a deep awareness of their worth. As a result, they’ve become attractive to the very people and resources they desire. The Empress card is most appropriate for the season, as a symbol of Venus’ energy, the ruler of Libra. Her advice is to put into yourselves what you wish to exchange with any others.

This season, as we work through old feelings and face new challenges to create lasting growth, the tarot guides us toward the sources of our confidence and wholeness. Do what makes you feel good holistically. Put time into what secures and stabilizes you materially. Align with what heals you deeply and detach from what sustains the wounds on your heart. Feed your mind and communicate your truth. The reward is abundance in all its forms. Obviously, this is all easier said than done. Regardless, we’re paid back in equal measure for the work we do to heal. Fortunately, our sensitivity this month is going to point us in the direction where the work needs to be done.

The Outcome

As the month ends and we move deeper into the Fall season, many are likely to come face to face with whatever has wounded us. Now, though, most of us will have a much deeper understanding of our attachment to it. While some may have resistance to releasing the hurt lingering in the background of our lives most of us are ready for catharsis. We’re allowing ourselves to keep hold of what and who helps maintain the Empress or Magician inside each of us and accepting the pain of losing what draws our hearts away from experiencing abundance. Growing pains? Yes. They’re the kind that bear the best fruit.

May we find each other feasting!
💌-Kori Woo

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