Opening the Door to Feelings Galore!

Cancer Season 2024 Astreaux

June 20 – July 22, 2024

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in the beginning

Finally, summer is here! The solstice takes place on June 20th at 4:51 p.m. EST and ♋Cancer Season 2024 begins. Just before the Sun enters cardinal water, it’ll square Neptune, coloring the season with even more emotional intensity and, for some, illusions rooted in feelings and attachments. The season also starts with Mercury & Venus having also just entered Cancer. It seems this is going to be a year colored with inner-planetary stelliums! This month, we must be careful that we use our emotions as information and not justification for indulging our base desires.

At the end of June, Saturn stations retrograde in Pisces. Once again, we’re reviewing our responsibilities and integrating deeper respect for our limitations in our mutable water house. This retrograde will be in effect until November 15, 2024. For a few days (July 9-12), the Cancer Sun will trine the ringed planet.

Ultimately, it’s an opportunity to gain clarity and reorganize. As the aspect wanes, the Sun will make a sextile with Mars and then Uranus in Taurus♉. Some shocking information or events are likely to take place, especially as the sun will simultaneously square the Aries eclipse point. It’ll likely be related to the houses where you have Cancer & Taurus on the cusp. What are your feelings telling you about how effectively you’re meeting your practical needs? Where do you enable others by handling their responsibilities? It’ll be obvious during this period where our emotional reactions and attachments hinder personal evolution.

Later, on July 2nd, Neptune, modern ruler of Pisces, also stations retrograde. Particularly, illusions & deceptions will be exposed. The best way to handle this transit is to stay in touch with your intuition and capacity to forgive yourself & others. Also, do be as honest as possible because Pluto will be prepping for a purge in the background. Days later, on the 5th we’ll see the new moon in Cancer. This is the time to set intentions that satisfy us at a heart level.


Next, Mercury will enter Leo on the same day followed by Venus on the 11th. So, displays of personal power and creative outlets get a boost at this time. Neptune is also very supportive of the arts. Try channeling those deep emotions & retrograde epiphanies into tangible works! Remember that all the planets entering Leo will experience the intense, but ultimately cleansing effects of opposing Pluto in Aquarius. Accordingly, most of us will be compelled to consider how our self-assessment informs our relationships and how our group identities influence self-definition and expression. Ego’s will be challenged. Try to show up as authentically as possible so that those meant to gravitate toward you can get there.

Additionally, Mars will conjunct Uranus in Taurus on July 15th. So, there’ll be a pull to break free of comfort zones that don’t truly feed us. This is a great time to make practical plans that serve the Venus ruled houses in your natal chart. The red planet will enter Gemini on July 20th, bringing a lighthearted, but cerebral tone to the last days of Cancer season.

Lastly, the full moon in Capricorn♑ will occur on July 21st, just before the Sun leaves Cancer for Leo♌. The lunation is ruled by Saturn and will likely bring a sobering effect to mid-summer. We’ll close this season successfully by allowing our feeling nature to inform our creative self-expression without shirking our responsibilities. When Saturn’s retrograde, it is time to look at what rules and limitations we subject ourselves to. Honestly evaluate who the true authority is in your life!

Cancer Season 2024 Tarot Spread

Mentally Wading in Deep Water Toward Embodiment

The Spread

The Cards

Page of Pentacles
9 of Pentacles (reversed)
6 of Swords (reversed)
10 of Wands
10 of Cups (reversed)
9 of Swords
6 of Wands (reversed)
7 of Cups (reversed)

7 Cards laid in the shape of an upward pointing arrow. Each card is meant to symbolize an influence, person or event showing up during Cancer Season 2024.
The Bow Spread" is from "The Complete New Tarot"
Deck: "Radiant Rider Waite" by Pamela Colman Smith, AE Waite & Virginijus Poshkus
“The Bow Spread” is from “The Complete New Tarot
Deck: “Radiant Rider Waite” by Pamela Colman Smith, AE Waite & Virginijus Poshkus

What’s Happening

Leading out of gemini Season 2024

Collectively, it seems we’ve come out of Gemini Season with a more practical focus than we had before summer rolled in. The tarot spread suggests that most of us are working hard to balance our emotional nature with the realities of people, places and things. We’ve got a good start through the Page of Pentacles, too. Better, many have put forth great effort to keep practical needs and responsibilities at the top of our priority lists despite all the feels. Still, the stars say it won’t be easy. This summer, our hearts are being fully opened.

Nevertheless, Cancer season 2024 presents pretty familiar challenges. Let’s meet them with our self-worth fully embodied and our values well-defined. That’s the 9 of Pentacles. Reversed, the card is more preparatory than it is established and secure. We’re knee-deep in the process of establishing independence that puts us in a prime position for authority or partnership. First though, we’ve got to get back on the good foot all by ourselves to turn the card upright. That means align your attitudes and actions with verbalized values. Do and be what and who you say you are (publicly and privately). Give to self what you wish to receive from another.

Meme featuring clip from "Walk It Like I Talk It" music video by Migos & Drake, who are all dancing in the clip.

Overall, what we’ve committed to up until this point needs to be completed by us. The 10 of Wands in the hopes and fears position indicates that for many, it feels all too much. However, most of us are grown. That means we had agency in whatever responsibilities we’ve accepted. Now, it’s time for accountability. Take small steps, remain consistent, and follow through. It gets greater, later. With the 7 Cups reversed at the bottom of the deck, seeing through bullshit is the way to progress.

In fact, our efforts toward embodiment seem to be the glue that hold our relationships together for Cancer season. The reversal of the 6 of Swords is about reconsidering how we contribute to peaceful dynamics around us. Is there something you can do or say or another, more effective response to standing issues? What unturned stones are there in your quest to resolve existing relational problems?

For a few, someone is hesitant to make a clean cut despite conflict or instability. This reversal can often symbolize sticking out turbulent connections. Despite clear and long-standing incompatibilities that lead to persistent conflict, someone is still trying their damndest to make it work. However, what we choose to put effort into is what determines the outcome. Let’s not give our power away to anyone who hinders our healing process.

Around us, there are still many illusions at play. This is very much a reflection of that Sun square Neptune transit. People are hanging onto connections due to familiarity or fear, with the 10 of Cups. Playing nice and avoiding conflict is not going to heal any individual or create greater intimacy within a group, though. For those of us getting invitations to this dynamic, use discernment. You know from experience who around you are capable of reciprocating your emotional investments. Being honest with yourself helps keep the codependency at bay. Also, if they’re leaving, let them…

What To Do About It

Leading Into leo Season 2024

Our guidance this season seems to come veiled. The 9 of Swords as an advice card suggests that our ruminations may actually prove to be enlightening. This card is about fear of the unknown and of consequence. If you’re feeling guilt associated with past words and actions, now is the time to work through it. What we think of ourselves often influences the ways we move in the world. Accordingly, work to accept the past, offer yourself and others grace and forgiveness, and free yourself to focus on progress. Plus, memory is not reliable and everything our imaginations conjure is not (yet) real. Leave the fatalistic thinking outside.

Finally, we arrive at the end of Cancer season 2024 with responsibilities left to handle and public perception to contend with as we do so. The 6 of Wands is defined by a victory in conflict that brings attention our way. However, the reversal suggest that the battle is not yet won. Also, it’ll be important as the month closes out to deeply consider the motives behind our words and goals. Others will definitely be doing so, and we’ll be judged accordingly. This is a time where our willingness to follow through on our words determines the health of our relationships, creative projects, and reputation.

For just a few, this card can indicate that us or someone close has come out on the winning end of a conflict, but not by honest means. Now, the consequences of questionable methods are emerging. Any authority gained through these endeavors will likely not last or pan out according to expectation. If this resonates, work this month to re-integrate a sense of personal and relational integrity into all that you do. If not rewarded, at least you won’t be harshly punished by the universe for your lack of consideration.

I certainly hope we’re able to rise above it all this season. Happy Summertime, lovelies. đź’ŚKori Woo

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